Pre-Pointe Assessment

Pre-Pointe Assessment

Progressing onto pointe is an exciting milestone for young dancers but it is not a process that should be rushed. If a dancer begins pointe work before they are ready, they often develop poor movement habits and use incorrect muscles to compensate, potentially leading to injuries long term.

Our pre-pointe assessment is taken by a physiotherapist with experience in dance. We will take a thorough history and examine the dancer’s posture, range of movement, strength and core stability, all within a friendly and supportive environment.

What to expect:

  • Comprehensive assessment to establish areas for improvement

  • A personalised home exercise program to address each area

  • Education of correct movement habits and muscle activation required for pointe work

  • Clear treatment plan including follow ups required to progress onto pointe safely

  • Written report provided for your dance teacher


How we can help: 

Our individual consultations will fully prepare you for pointe work to minimise the risk of injury and help you achieve your dance goals.